Main » Christmas concert in the Orenburg museum of Fine Arts has gone over with success

Christmas concert in the Orenburg museum of Fine Arts has gone over with success

#ОренбургскийКамерныйХор #РусскаяДуховнаяМузыка #ОльгаСеребрийская #РождественскиеКонцерты
Christmas concert in the Orenburg regional museum of Fine Arts has gone over with great success. The Russian sacred music didn't leave indifferent the gathered audience.
First responses:
Rayilya Muzafarova: "Yesterday with girlfriends were at a concert of municipal chamber chorus under control of Olga Serebriyskaya in museum of Fine Arts. Huge gratitude from all of us for fine music! Very much we wait for new meetings and concerts! The sacred music has touched all up to the soul depth!"
To your attention the work by Georgy Sviridov with which the Orenburg chamber choir has begun the performance in the Orenburg regional museum of Fine Arts.
To the audience thanks for warm welcome! We wait for you at the Christmas concert on JANUARY 27. in St. John of Kronstadt's Temple of the Orthodox gymnasium to the address: Chulochny Lane, 16. The beginning at 11:00 - after service (a children's concert).