Main » For those who couldn't visit a concert in the Big hall of the St. Petersburg academic philharmonic hall of D.D. Shostakovich

For those who couldn't visit a concert in the Big hall of the St. Petersburg academic philharmonic hall of D.D. Shostakovich

On June 22, in DAY OF REMEMBRANCE AND GRIEFS in the presence of the author - Sergey Mikhaylovich of the SLONIM, nowadays well classic - the People's artist of RSFSR, one of the brightest domestic composers, the pianist, the musicologist, the candidate of art criticism, the teacher, professor, the member of the Union of composers of the USSR … in the Big hall of the St. Petersburg academic philharmonic hall of D.D. Shostakovich the well-known REQUIEM was heard.
Participated in his execution: The academic symphonic orchestra of philharmonic hall (the artistic director - the people's artist of the USSR Александр Дмитриев), Concert choir of the St. Petersburg state institute of culture (the artistic director - the winner of the international competitions, the composer Sergey Ekimov), the Orenburg chamber choir (the artistic director - the honored worker of arts of the Russian Federation Olga Serebriyskaya) and soloists: Larisa Radchenko (soprano), Larisa Pominova (mezzo-soprano), Oleg Trofimov (tenor), Oleg Radchenko (bass).
Behind a conductor's stand: honored artist of Russia, professor Vladimir Abramovich Altshuler.

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