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In anticipation of execution of the Requiem of Mozart several words about the composer...


- The composer kept careful account to all works, writing down in a special notebook even separate opera numbers under a certain article. "Requiem" was the only composition which hasn't been introduced in this notebook by the maestro's hand. This fact has generated a set of conjectures, since the fact that "Requiem" has been written much earlier by the author (in 1784), and finishing with the assumptions that all entirely belongs not to him.
- In general since 1874 Mozart hasn't written any opus for church, except for "Ave verum korpus". This fact for many researchers is an indicator of that, as he could leave "Reqiem" only in a sketch for the reason that this genre allegedly didn't attract creative interest of him. Though according to other version, the presentiment of close death promoted that the order hasn't been just taken in hand.
- The composer in this work has reached novel even for himself depth of human compassion and at the same time this music is so ennobled and full of supernal loveliness that, perhaps, it is the only case when mortal I could rise soul to god in the creativity. And, as Icarus, has plummeted after that to earth.
- Actually Mozart all the life was deeply believing Catholic observing all instructions, he was on friendly terms with the pastor Jesuit, and the reason of acute contradictions to freemasonry which once has developed it by 180 degrees from a secret box consisted in anti-catholic tendencies of the last. Wolfgang was a thinker and dreamed to connect that the best that is in religion with achievements of culture of an award. The subject of sacred music was close to him even more others.
- However, the most known case connected with ingenious abilities of Mozart child prodigy sends to collision with a church canon. In 1770 Wolfgang visits Vatican. Time coincides with the moment of execution of "Miserere" of Gregorio Allegri.
- The score of the work is strictly secret, on pain of excommunication her copying is forbidden. For prevention of a possibility of storing aurally the composition is executed once a year for the Holy Week. This the work, difficult in a form and harmonization, for 2 choruses from 4 and five voices lasting more than 12 minutes. 14-year-old Wolfgang after the only listening has remembered and has written down the score entirely.