Main » Olga Serebriyskaya's chorus opened for the first series of the actions devoted to the coming anniversary Victory Day!

Olga Serebriyskaya's chorus opened for the first series of the actions devoted to the coming anniversary Victory Day!

And whether you know history of creation of this popular song?

In the summer of 1942 acquaintance of the composer Vasily Solovyov-Sedov and the poet Alexey Fatyanov took place. "I got acquainted with it in Orenburg..., - V.P. Solovyov-gray-haired wrote later, - He was pleasant to me at once — the young, beautiful guy athlete. Mighty shoulders held apart the washed-off and burned out soldier's blouse of the third term socks. The dandyish garrison cap by miracle sat on the fine slightly curling head of hear of wheaten color. Blue, kind, clear, slightly naughty eyes shone, looking at the interlocutor with curiosity and undisguised interest... I did not think then, did not guess that this guy is fated to enter so strongly and forever my life. For the second day he brought me the poem which is diligently written out on the leaf which is pulled out from some granary book. It fascinated me at once. Verses were fresh, touching, deprived of literary prettiness or the aspiration to seem original. Confidential intonation, simple Russian spoken language. Having read the poem, felt the exciting aroma of fresh hay, the blossoming lilac, wild flowers. Fatyanov verses carried on a man-to-man talk, in private with the peer, the soldier... Verses sang, in them there was already a melody".
On a solar polyanochka,
Arch having curved an eyebrow,
The fellow on a talyanochka
Plays about love...
Soon the poem by Fatyanov "On a solar polyanochka" was published in the regional army newspaper "Za Rodinu". Without sharing delights of the composer, the Soviet censorship "rejected" the work. Against the background of the hardest situation on fronts, incessant bloody fights, the poem by Fatyanov was considered too lyrical and thoughtless. And later there were Stalingrad and Kursk. In 1943 Solovyov-gray-haired starts writing of music of the On a Solar Polyanochka song. Originally music of Talyanochka, so called the song during War, sounded as the lyrical waltz, however the composer was not happy with such decision: "There was in it something what I not quite agreed with — he told. — The melody seemed to me weakened, indistinct and the most important — not слива¬лась in a uniform image with the text. And I rejected this music and wrote a new melody. This time that song which all of us know and we love turned out. Do you remember this a naughty dance tune a refrain?
Play, play, tell,
How black-eyed
Long time the song did not find "the" performer. "Only after it was sung by the wonderful Leningrad singer Yefrem Flaks (in bass option though I wrote it originally for the tenor), it began to sound widely", - V. Solovyov-gray-haired admitted later. It is interesting to note that the heading "On a Solar Polyanochka" was published in some front newspapers. Under this heading notes how fighters spend short hours, about the letters received from darlings and other messages were located.

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