Main » On April 17 in Orenburg our colleagues on art - the Academic choral chapel of Russia of A.A. Yurlov vyustupit

On April 17 in Orenburg our colleagues on art - the Academic choral chapel of Russia of A.A. Yurlov vyustupit

On April 17 at 19:00 on the stage of the Orenburg regional philharmonic hall there will take place a concert of our colleagues on art - the state Academic choral chapel of Russia of A.A. Yurlov, one of the leading Russian music bands by the number of the submitted concert programs, richness of the repertoire and width of performing opportunities which history goes back to the amateur chorus of the regent Ivan Yukhov created at a turn of the 19-20th centuries.
The artistic director and the chief conductor – the honored worker of arts of Russia, professor Gennady Dmitryak.
In the program of a concert G. Sviridov, S. Taneev, L. Shostakovich, R. Shchedrin, Yu. Falik's music, etc.