Main » #РусскаяДуховнаяМузыка Iraida Yusupova occupies a unique musical and cultural niche in the modern composer environment

#РусскаяДуховнаяМузыка Iraida Yusupova occupies a unique musical and cultural niche in the modern composer environment

The genre of sacred music attracts interest and of modern composers.
In the repertoire of the Orenburg chamber choir we see works by the composer Iraida Yusupova – the prize-winner and the participant of many prestigious international and domestic festivals and competitions. Iraida Yusupova occupies an extensive and at the same time unique musical and cultural niche in the modern academic composer environment.

"Since her conservatoire years "conducted on life", at first sight, opposite aspirations. On the one hand, her music always remained "musical"; she by all means seeks to deliver to the listeners — among other pleasures — and hedonistic pleasure directly from the sounding. The rational moments never occupied the highest pedestal in her scale of values. On the other hand, in her representation musical art is in the core of "high life of art", stretching the beams and taking root everywhere, being fed with the new ideas of cinema, theater, literature, poetry, architecture.
Fanatically devoted to the composer craft and calling, she formed around herself a circle of supporters. Entered him not only музыканты−исполнители, not only conductors, but also film directors,
theatrical directors, actors, artists and poets".

(Fragment of an interview of Nailya Alparova "Conversation with the composer Iraida Yusupova")
#ОренбургскийКамерныйХор #РусскаяДуховнаяМузыка# ОльгаСеребрийская #РождественскиеКонцерты