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"The singing world" waits for us!!!

There were few days before departure of the Orenburg chamber chorus under control of Olga Serebriyskaya on the XIII International festival of choral art "The singing world" in St. Petersburg where our collective is invited as the GUEST OF HONOUR. On a festival the municipal chorus is lucky the new program!! For the audience and participants of a festival seldom executed works – TEN POEMS of DMITRY SHOSTAKOVICH on verses of revolutionary poets of the end of XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries will sound. It is more than a month of persistent rehearsals.

Ahead – prestigious halls of St. Petersburg, a meeting with old and new friends – 38 collectives participate in a festival this year, among which Jean Philippe Rameau's Ensemble (Versonne, France), Polyphonic chorus "Aura Vocis" (Milazzo, Italy), Man's vocal ensemble "Klapa Kastav" (Kastav, Croatia), the Mixed chorus of Conservatory of Ismail Baha Syurelsan of "ANTchoir" (Antalya, Turkey), Art group of the Beijing association of musicians (Beijing, China), popular collectives of Romania, the Czech Republic, Great Britain, Slovakia, of 20 cities of the Russian Federation!!! "The SINGING WORLD" WAITS for us!!!

Yesterday the rehearsal, last before departure, took place: