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Today is the 85th anniversary of Yuri Entin

Today, August 21, Soviet and Russian poet, playwright, songwriter Yuri Entin celebrates his 85th anniversary.
Yuri Entin is an unusually sincere person. The images that he creates turn out to be just as sincere and cannot but touch. Many songs from films and cartoons became hits thanks to his poems: "June 31", "The Adventures of Buratino", "Property of the Republic", "Guest from the Future", "Adventures of Electronics", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "The Flying Ship", "Well , wait a minute! "... Both children and adults know his songs, and phrases from the songs have become winged:" Nobody gets along with me ... "," Such-and-such escaped from the palace "," Zipper-zipper, take the ready-made ", "My best present is you ...", "Beautiful is far away" and many others.
Two bright names David Tukhmanov and Yuri Entin firmly entered the history of Orenburg, as the authors of the anthem of our city. For the first time, the Orenburg Anthem was performed by the Orenburg Chamber Choir under the direction of Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor Olga Serebriyskaya.
We sincerely congratulate Yuri Sergeevich on his anniversary! Health, success and creative inspiration for many years!