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We can 't forget these things...

#75летВеликойПобеды #оренбургскийкамерныйхор

The 75th anniversary of the Great Victory is approaching!
The Great Patriotic War, which lasted 1,418 days and nights, had no equal in its scale, destruction and loss of life in the history of our state. This tragedy passed through every family and heart of every citizen of the USSR. The more significant our Victory!

Every year there are fewer and fewer participants and witnesses to those terrible events. Everyone fought a fierce fight against the fascists - who fought on the battlefield, who in the rear, without paying hands, spared no effort to work for the benefit of the Motherland, approaching the Great Victory.
It is important to preserve for centuries and to transfer from generation to generation the memory of the Great Patriotic War, about tragic events and heroic actions of our ancestors.
The Orenburg Chamber Choir under the management of the Honored Artist of Russia, Professor Olga Serebrisky offers to your attention a concert-performance "WE ARE ROADS THESE CANNOT BE FORGOTTEN..."