Main » We recall the success of the Orenburg chamber choir on the main stage of the country in 2016

We recall the success of the Orenburg chamber choir on the main stage of the country in 2016

We are 25!
We recall the success of the Orenburg Chamber Choir on the main stage of the country in 2016 at the XII International Autumn Choir Festival named after Professor B.G. Tevlin.
Performance at the autumn choir festival is a peculiar musical offering of alma mater.
The history of the festival began in 2005, when the outstanding musician Boris Tevlin decided to hold a review of the choral forces of Russia. The maestro’s creative ideas returned the listeners' interest in this art form.
Boris Tevlin, the creator of the festival, is remembered as a magnificent musician, one of the best world-class conductors. He did a lot to popularize the work of modern authors. It is no coincidence that the festival’s repertoire policy has always been based on modern music.
The festival program was dedicated to the 85th birthday of its founder and the anniversary of the Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.

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